Vegan Veggie Pizza


veggie pizza

Vegan Pizza

Homemade pizza dough topped with tons of veggies and vegan cheese.

This week my daughter had to have a small surgery in her mouth, so we have been living on soup for a few days.  We are very grateful that it went well and she is recovering quickly.  We will also be grateful not not have soup again for awhile.

The night before the surgery she requested pizza.  This is a great way to get in lots of veggies.  We usually don’t put cheese on our pizza, but Daiya Mozzarella is great on it.  Sometimes I top the pizza with tofu ricotta as well.

The veggies I put on it change every time just depending on what is in the fridge or what looks good at the store.  Some of our favorites are spinach, tomatoes, black olives and basil.




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