Hello world!

This is my first post on Faith, Hope and Veggies.  I hope to share many vegan recipes here, as well as some of my experiences.  I have been vegan for about 2 years now and have enjoyed it so much.  Being vegan was certainly challenging in the beginning, but now it seems so easy.  I could never go back to how I was eating before.  I feel so much healthier, happier and I know that I am doing the right thing for my family and the planet as well.  I love cooking and baking and I am always thinking about what I am going to make next.  I try to use very little fat and sugar in my recipes, but every once in awhile I splurge.

My family and I have recently moved to small cabin in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina.  Recently, our life has been downsized with due to the economy.  I am now doing all my cooking in a tiny kitchen and with a tiny budget.  I know from experience now that it is possible to eat very healthfully without spending much.  Also, the closest grocery store has very little so I have learned to cook with very basic ingredients that can be found anywhere.  It is an hour drive to the nearest Whole Foods or Earth Fare, so I have to be creative with what I can find.  The farmer’s markets this summer where a God send.  I don’t know what I will do without the markets this winter.

My Faith is very important in my life and I don’t know how I could make it through these difficult times in our lives without it.  It also is part of the reason I am vegan because I believe that all creature deserve our compassion.

So tonight I am making a mini Thanksgiving.  Actually, I am just trying a couple of recipes I may use (it is never to early to start).  I will post pictures of the meal later.